Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Marketing tips from Jonathan Jay

Jonathan Jay presented these great tips during his SuccessTrack weekend

  1. In promotional literature, you need social proof from other people who were like your target customers
  2. Collect testimonials, case studies, and endorsements – and keep them safe!
  3. Use before and after stories – e.g. weight watcher pictures to convey ability to secure desired outcome ("I looked like this, now I look like this, thanks to Weight Watchers")
  4. Your copy needs to be benefit driven, focussing on WIIFM
  5. Provide an absolute guarantee – e.g. pay afterwards, try before you buy, profit before purchase
  6. Make it easy for people to buy – e.g. try before you buy
  7. Provide multiple ordering options – phone, email, website, post – consider niche-specific purchasing vehicles
  8. Demonstrate the value of the outcome of their purchase – especially in pounds and pence
  9. You can best address the concerns of your potential customers by deeply understanding your niche market
  10. Raise your credibility – your letter / website / message needs to be from the highest authority e.g. CEO or a borrowed third party known and respected by your target market
  11. People concentrate first on the headlines – and the captions under photos – so you have to capture the reader’s eye to get them to want to read the rest, like writing a thriller, paragraph by paragraph
  12. Give them a powerful call to action – tell people exactly what to do – never just leave it for them to figure out
  13. Create scarcity related to what you are selling – you must have scarcity so people don’t want to miss out. This can be time-bound, quality-bound….
  14. Create confidence in your product – this can come from image, brand, the way a phone is answered – all the little things add up
  15. Imply confidence that the customer can do it, can benefit from their purchase – show them how easy it is for them to do so
  16. Ensure you have the AIDA elements in your copy – attention, interest, desire, action
  17. Show how your customers can be achieving expert status fast (if appropriate to the market you are targeting)
  18. Provide explicit price justification – e.g. why so little, why so much, "because it’s….."
  19. Make sure your offer is easy to understand and easy to use (the instruction manual). Paint a picture – show how easily using the service or product will create a better life
  20. Go through your copy and highlight the “I” and “we” words and change most of them to “you”
  21. Use photos to show what your offer does in action

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